
"Fiduciary Duty" required for supporting clients

15語で語る「フィデューシャリー デューティー(受託者義務)」 

The fiduciary duty exists for supporting investors (beneficiaries) toinvest the financial products such as mutual funds and stocks and so on. Fiduciary of managers in the Japanese trust banks, security companies such as the people who operate the trust dealings.

They should give consultation to their clients for supporting themadded value to their asset management and make their portfolios, maximized clients' profits what the clients want, however the managers are paid some commission fees.

The Japanese Financial Sevices Agency has aimed that fiduciary duties exist to encourage specialization of financial fields such as professional dealer who has specific qualification, and beneficiary profits should be given priority over the fiduciaries' profits.

Finally, I'd like to talk about the future. The high technology of the "Fintech" represented by Virtual currencies, has bee improving year by year. The Japanese fiduciary duty must be needed for the Japaneseeconomic situation andsociety.

①investor 投資家 ②invest 投資する ③trust bank 信託銀行 ④consultasion 相談 ⑤added value 付加価値 ⑥asset management 資産管理 ⑦maximize 最大化 ⑧commission fee 手数料 ⑨Financial Services Agency 金融庁 ⑩qualification 資格 ⑪priority 優先 ⑫Fintech フィンテック ⑬Virtual currency 仮想通貨 ⑭economic 経済の ⑮society 社会

15語で語るフィデューシャリー デューティー(受託者義務)


Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co,.Ltd.
