

The government statement about the social security services forecast was made public as of  May 21. The first time it estimated *social security benefit expenditure for the 2040 *fiscal year, would total some 190 trillion yen (US$1.71 trillion), up 68.7 trillion yen from the figure for 2018. It's a sharp increase due to the expected rapid *greying of Japanese society. In 2040, it's expected to be the peak year for Japan's elderly population when children of *postwar baby boomers, who were born from 1971 through 1974, will turn 65 or older. Officials said that government offered the estimate as a basis for *revising the social security system so that is would meet the needs of the furure.

Pension payments would be the largest *segment of social security spending, but the percentage would be down to 39 percent from the current 47 percent. This eight-point drop would be due to measures to curb pension payments although the number of *recipients would increase.                                                                                                                 (Quoted from "The Mainichi")

The time for the hardest tax burden for young people has come.

*social security benefit expenditure 社会保障給付費(税や保険料で賄う医療費、介護費など)

*fiscal year 年度

*greying of Japanese society 日本の高齢化社会

*postwar baby boomers 戦後のベビーブーム世代

*revising 改訂する

*segment 分割、区分

*recipients 受取人

社会保障給付費に関する政府の声明が5月21日に公表されました。2040年度の社会保障給付費は、190兆円(1兆7000億米ドル)にのぼると予測されています。2018年度の68.7兆円と比較すると、2040年には日本の社会の急速な高齢化社会のために給付費用が急激に増えるといえます。 2040年には1971年から1974年に生まれた、戦後ベビーブーム(団塊の世代)の子どもたちが65歳以上になり、日本の高齢者の数はのピークになると予想されています。政府は社会保障制度を改正するための基準として試算し、その結果、財団にとって将来的な予測と合致すると述べました。

Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co,.Ltd.

