

The *spousal tax deduction against the income tax system in Japan has been revised in 2018.

What's the spousal tax deduction system? It's a kind of income tax deduction and *it's devided into spousal deduction and spousal special deduction.

Starting January 2018, primary earners will be able to claim a 380,000 yen spousal deduction if their spouses earn up to 1.5 million yen a year. It's up to 1.5 million yen a year from the current cap of 1.03 million yen. And, spousal special deduction has also increased up to 2.01 million yen.

The amount of spousal special deduction will decrease in nine stages as the secondary earner's income rises from over 1.5 million yen up to 2.01 million yen, after which the couple will no longer *qualify.

The revision of spousal tax apparently aims at making up for the greater deductions to married part-time workers by increasing taxes on households with a high-income earner. A couple where one person makes 15 million yen and the other does not work, for example, will see a 158,000 yen increase to their tax bill.

①responding to the increasing number of dual-income families

②addressing the country's labor shortage

The spousal tax deduction was needed for housewives but the *former system might have not fit in recent societies.

*spousal tax deduction 配偶者控除

*be divided into ~に分けられる

*qualify 資格(控除を受けられる資格)

*former system 従前の制度


Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co,.Ltd.
