

The other day, I went to the Fukuoka Motor Show 2017, which was held at Fukuoka International Centre, Marinemesse Fukuoka and Fukuoka International Congress Centre.

There were a lot of imported vehicles in the Fukuoka Internatinal Centre. My husband could get the admission tickets, so we enjoyed the gorgeous asmosphere of the venue. They showed lots of foreign luxury vehicles such as Ferrari, MASERATI, Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin, McLaren, Land Rover, JAGUAR, RENAULT, BMW, MINI, VOLVO, Audi, TESLA and HARLEY-DAVIDSON and so on.

I had been standing in the queue and waiting to enter the venue, but it was very cold outside, so we were almost freezing! There were almost some thousands of people there, so we could hardly see all these vehicles.

I was keen on the economic effect of this Fukuoka Motor Show 2017. According to the report of the last show, which was held in 2015, the number of visitors was about 130,000 over all four days.

130,000people ×90%(under high school students are free)×1,400yen(admission fee) = 163,800,000yen!

I hope that this motor show is one of the triggers of economic growth in the Kyushu area.

*International Congress Centre 福岡国際会議場

*venue 会場、開催地

*be keen on ~に熱心で、興味があって

*admission fee 入場料

*trigger 引き金、きっかけ、契機



Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co,. Ltd.



