

Do you know the scholarship programme in Japan? "Japan Student Services Organization" and a lot of universities and colleges have produced a service for those students who are in a bad condition due to their parents' income and their grades to provide enough tuition fees and student maintenance of grant. Recently, the Japanese government has decided to produce new scholarship systems to give students higher education programme. It's the reason why people had used the Japanese conventional tuition loan and they have struggled with the repayment of the loan for more than it's following ten years.

In the UK, there are three systems available for receiving scholarship mainly. Due to the system revision in 2006,  the services below have started.

Ⅰ. variable fee / available to change the tuition fee for each university

Ⅱ. Bursary / available to offer discretionary university scholarship

Ⅲ. tuition loan / the loan which is equivalent to the tuition fee

I think it is necessary for excellent students to have higher education without worrying about their parents' income. I wish that I could have helped their future as a scholarship advisor. 

*scholarship programme 奨学金制度 *program (US)

*Japan Student Service Organization 日本学生支援機構

*tuition fee 授業料

*maintenance of grant 生活費給付

*conventional 従来の

*variable fee 可変型授業料

*Bursary 奨学金(大学独自給付の奨学金)

*discretionary 裁量的

*equivalent to ~に相当する



Ⅰ 可変型授業料 / 各大学が授業料を自由に変更できます。

Ⅱ 大学独自給付型奨学金 / 大学の裁量により奨学金を受けることができます。

Ⅲ 教育ローン / 授業料に相当する金額を借り入れることができます。


Harumi Miyahara
Uchiyama FP Office Co,. Ltd.
