

In the UK, people have public holidays which are fewer in number than Japanese ones.  A bank holiday is a public holiday in the UK, some commonwealth countries, and a colloqualism for a public holiday in Hong Kong and Ireland. There is no automatic right to time off on these days, although banks close and the majority of the working population is granted time off work or extra pay for working on these days, depending on their contract.

The reason why it is called a bank holiday has been derived from "Bank Holiday At 1871", which set the holiday of the Bank of England.

There are 8 public holidays on the following days.

・New Year's Day ::January 1st

・Good Friday:Friday before Easter in April

・Easter Monday:Monday after Easter in April

・May Day Bank Holiday:First Monday in May

・Spring bank Holiday: Last Monday in May

・Summer Bank Holiday:Last Monday in August

・Christmas Day :December 25

・Boxing Day :The first weekday after Christmas(usually December 26)

In Japan, we have 15 public holidays including the New Year's Day in January, If the New Year's Eve and the "Bon" days is August were included, there could be more days off. But why are Japanese people called "workaholic" and "They don't take days off"?

Japanese holidays are stipulated by the National Holidays Act, which also helps establish the new "Mountain day". Although it is not holiday, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry began "Premium Fridays" on Fridays at the end of every month to increase personal consumption. Let's go for a meal on Friday after finishing work early. The Japanese government aim to increase consumption. I hope it will work well.

*commonwealth countries 連邦諸国

*collaqualism 口語、俗語

*workaholic 働きすぎ、仕事中毒

*stipulated 規定された

*the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 経済産業省



イギリスにはバンクホリデーと呼ばれる祝日があり、それはイギリス諸国や香港、アイルランドなどにも浸透しています。バンクホリデーの間はもちろん銀行が休みになるのと、大半の人が休みになるか 仕事をするにしても特別手当がでるようですが、契約にもよるようです。












日本の祝日は、国民の祝日法により制定されています。最近では「山の日」が制定されましたね。 祝日ではないですが、今年から経済産業省や経済界が「プレミアム・フライデー」を提唱し始めましたね。毎月末金曜日は早く仕事を切り上げて食事に行こう。消費を増やそうというのが狙いのようです。うまくいくといいのですが。

Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co,. Ltd.
