

Have you ever watched a performance of "Ningyo Joruri". (traditional Japanese puppet playing) which is a kind of art that consists of "Joruri" and "Bunraku"? "Bunraku" originally referred to playhouses, especially for performing  "Nigyo Joruri".

Actually, my maternal grandfather Kiyoshi Inoue was one of the performers who had been designated as a performer of Bunraku puppets to the important intangible folk cultural asset of Ehime prefecture for about 20 years.

Even now, there has been Asahi Bunraku preservation association, and a lot of Bunraku puppets have been preserved. I used to go to watch my granpa's performance when I was an elementary school student. I was very proud of him as he was brilliant. I sometimes asked him what the most important action of mastering a Bunraku puppet was. He said that it was important to express femininity.

On the other hand, British people have the puppet show "Punch and Judy", which is one of the fairy tales of Mother Goose.  It originated as a traditional Italian satire play of the 14th century and it was first premiered at Covent Garden in London in 1662. It's said that is the puppet show of British modern performing arts.


*Ningyo Joruri  人形浄瑠璃 one of the Japanese modern performing arts

*maternal 母方の、母性の

*designated 指定された

*important intangible folk cultural asset 重要無形民俗文化財

*Asahi Bunraku preservation association 朝日文楽保存協会

*fairy tales 童話、おとぎ話

*satire 風刺

*premiered 初演








Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co,. Ltd.
