

Do you know the current *unemployment rate in Japan and the UK? Unemployment rate, which refers to the proportion of unemployed people in the *labor force population, has been decreasing across the world.

Unemployed people are those who don't have jobs for some period, when they are able to work, who are looking for work.

 As of 2016, the unemployment rate in Japan has been decreasing to 3.18% by 0.19% from the previous year, and the unemployment rate in the UK also has been decreasing to 4.96%.

One of the reasons for leaving the EU, which we must have known, is disagreement over accepting *immigrants. But the unemployment rate in the UK has been decreasing year by year since 2011. Why?

I guess that the reason why the rate has been decreasing is that the *population of immigrants includes the number of it.

I definitely want to know the *obvious reasons of voters who hoped to leave the EU in London, this coming September.

*unemployment rate 失業率

*labor force population 労働力人口

*immigrants 移民

*population 人口

*obvious 明白な





Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co,. Ltd.
