

In Japan, "*Spousal tax deducton" of an income tax deduction system was established in 1961 as one of the *personal deductions (allowance). At that time, there were a lot of families whereby husbands had their work outside of the home and their wives had their work at home as housewives.

Spousal tax deduction was introduced to *evaluate the role of wives who had taken charge of their work as housewives or part time job workers. According to the *Liberal Democratic Party's taxation committee announcement, Japanese spousal tax deduction will have been increased from 1,030,000 yen to 1,500,000 yen by January 2018.

Japanese Spousal tax deduction is applied when the total income of the spouse is less than 380,000 yen ( in case of their salary income only, salary has to be less than 1,030,000 yen).

Basicl tax deduction is 380,000 yen + salary income deduction is 650,000 yen = 1,030,000 yen.(all of the deductions)

In the UK, there are some income deductions which are kinds of basic deductions compared with the Japanese one, social insurance deductions, *charity contribution and so on. It is thought to increase the deduction for *poverty families. The tax deductions also have the porpose of protecting families from poverty.

*Spousal tax deducton 配偶者控除

*personal deductions (allowance) 人的控除(所得控除)

*evaluate 評価する

*Liberal Democratic Party 自由民主党

*charity contribution 慈善寄付

*poverty family 貧困家庭






Harumi Miyahara

Uchiyama FP Office Co,.Ltd.
