Have you already made your new year's resolutions?
My new year's resolution is to succeed in studying abroad in London in the coming September.
Unfortunately I won't be able to stay there for more than a few months, but I believe that I will have an important and memorable experience in my life.
While there, I will have to grasp trend information about the British economy affected by "Brexit" after their voting in the referendum to leave the EU (European Union). The period is not only as a language study abroad, but also to find out the current situation of the European economy.
The other day, my interest was triggered by one book written by the Japanese college professor who is familiar with the EU. The book titled "Collapse of the EU" taught me their history and background of the establishment and progress of the EU which was initially established for the security of Europe by Germany, France, Italy and three Benelux countries. It was transformed into an organization with economic leadership at some point after that.
I want to know about the difference of the Japanese economic situation with the European economy's one after World War Ⅱ, and I'd like to research British people's emotions regarding "Brexit".
*resolution 決意 decision, determination
*memorable 記憶に残る、思い出深い worth remembering or easily remembered
*Brexit (British + exit) イギリスのEU離脱
*referendum 国民投票
*trigger きっかけとなる、誘因する
滞在中に私がするべきことは、EU離脱を決めた国民投票後の、Brexit についてなどイギリス経済の最先端の情報をつかむこと。単なる語学留学ではなく、ヨーロッパ経済の現状を知ることが重要です。
Harumi Miyahara
Uchiyama FP Office Co,.Ltd.