

Today I'd like to introduce to you the comparison of children's nursery care in Japan and the UK.

In the UK, children(3-4 years old) can receive pre-school education for 15 hours a week free of charge. It's a very enviable fact for Japanese working mothers who have been struggling with whether they can leave their children at a day-care center or not.

Women who work in the UK often return to work immediately after giving birth, so if they want to work full time they may not be satisfied with 15 hours a week for childcare time. In such cases, they may leave their children in the private nursery schools. It is very expensive so many parents worry about the troubles regarding children's nursery care.

In Japan, children have lunch at their nursery or kindergarten schools every day, but many children in the UK don't have lunch at their nursery schools. In the nursery schools they usually take and eat apples, bananas and tomatoes which are served in a basket at "snack time". It's very different from Japanese nursery schools where the supply of school meals is mainstream.

In the UK, public schools which are free of charge give children preschool education, but they might not be allowed to enroll in the schools that they want.

Of course they have a "catchment area", but some parents decide to move to an other area to enroll in defferent schools.

*enviable うらやましい

*mainstream 主流 main current

*catchment area 管轄区域、学区 school district








 Harumi Miyahara
Uchiyama FP Offce Co,.Ltd.
