
The other day, I noticed that the designs on packages of the hair shampoo, conditioner and laundry detergent at my home were a little bit changed compared to previously. We usually use them for refilling the same products, but we sometimes buy them with bottles or containers.

Their designs have been changed into darker color little by little, and turned flashier. Why?

According to the research I did on the internet, it seems to be related to the economic fluctuations.
At the time of the economic condition upturn, the designs of packages change to be flashier. Similarly at the time of downturn they might be conservative or vice versa.

Around the time of the "bubble economy" in Japan(1985-1991), they say that most of women wore the bright red lipsticks.
In the economic condition improves, women might wear the deep red lipsticks and flashy clothes again. It's the same manner as the shampoo packages.

* laundry detergent 洗濯洗剤
* refill 補充(する)
* flashy 派手な、けばけばしい flashier, flashiest
* economic fluctuations 景気変動 economic changes
* conservative 保守的な ↔ progressive 前進的な
* vice versa 逆に





Harumi Miyahara
Uchiyama FP Office Co; Ltd.
